
The Orpah Factor

Everyone’s been talking about it – the last few episodes of Oprah. What I am most surprised about is some people have been very negative in their words (and writings) about the last few episodes. It seems everyone has an opinion on Oprah.   You have to admit she had a lot of clout and introduced us to some interesting people and products.  There were many events we cannot forget (hello Tom Cruise) and she has inspired many, many women throughout her years in broadcasting. So…in my opinion……I will miss the favorite things episodes, the tearjerker stories of gloom turned into success and yes, the many movie stars that were interviewed.  Yes, I will watch today’s show along with millions of others and say goodbye to a broadcasting icon, familiar face, woman warrior and great interviewer!

opinion personal

5 Tips for a Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s around the world rejoice – it’s your day!

Here is a suggested way to enjoy this day or get ready for requests for next year!

1.  Tell the hubby what you want – you can interpret this anyway you want! If you want to relax in bed for a few hours (alone!) , go to the salon for a few hours of you time or spend it outdoors with the kids and hubby, plan it, say it and let them know that this is what you want to do on your day!

2. Think of what you did for your mom on  this day. Although my mom is not with me I think back to what we did for her and it makes me smile. Traditions are always the best gift.

3. This is the best day to have people do stuff for you so be creative! “Kids, Please pick up and put all your clothes away, it is after all Mother’s Day” “Honey, can you clean the garage? That is what I want most!”

4. A favorite meal cooked or a hot fudge sundae delivered to you – whatever your favorite treat is enjoy it. Although my idea of a new recipe backfired this morning, it was the thought that counts right? If you look closely at the picture my kids tried to hide the fact that the pancake was charred as they added some sprinkles and a little cheerio to the top of the pancake (how cute are they?) The pretzel crumbs were a nice touch.  YES, I did eat it and believe it or not it was not that bad! (at least that is what I told them)

5. Relax, relax and relax and enjoy your day!

5 Tips-Happy Mother's Day


Busy Mom, Busy Kids

If you have multiple kids and they are in multiple activities then overscheduling is a topic that is sure to come up. What is too much? What if you have a child that likes to be active? We discussed this and more at

Girl Talk with Marlo.  Listen to the latest on how to balance it all!


Busy Mom, Busy Kids

If you have multiple kids and they are in multiple activities then overscheduling is a topic that is sure to come up. What is too much? What if you have a child that likes to be active? We discussed this and more at

Girl Talk with Marlo.  Listen to the latest on how to balance it all!


Busy Mom, Busy Kids

If you have multiple kids and they are in multiple activities then overscheduling is a topic that is sure to come up. What is too much? What if you have a child that likes to be active? We discussed this and more at

Girl Talk with Marlo.  Listen to the latest on how to balance it all!

Holidays opinion

The truth about the leprechaun, the easter bunny, santa, etc.

My 9 year old lost a tooth. Yes she still has a baby teeth.  When she came home from school with a little treasure chest for her tooth she was so excited. I guess when you lose a tooth at school it is a big deal. In the lower grades you get a felt shaped tooth to store your lost tooth. In 4th grade I guess they still give a little holder. She was then pondering how much money she would receive from the tooth fairy (I hope she did not mention this at school!)  Yes, the tooth fairy is alive and well in this household. Which got me thinking about when do they figure it all out or when do I tell them – no questions yet. I have friends who love the phrase “if you don’t believe you don’t receive!”

As I was told by friends with older children that you MUST tell your child the “truth” about Santa, the easter bunny, the little leprechaun the comes on this day to drop off candy in your shoes (who started THAT one?). They cannot go to 6th grade knowing, I was told (I still have a few years!) My heart breaks and I know it’s part of life. As I recall a close friend from grade school telling me her story about how she told her 10 year old about Santa. He began to cry and then he figured it out – well than what about EB? What about TF? and then he broke down even more!  Such as the reality of kids getting older we need to have those tough conversations. I just read her The Care and Keeping of You Book, the Body Book for Girls and yikes she’s still losing teeth how can THIS be just around the corner too? But it is and like other moms I answer questions as they come up but tend to avoid telling – only when asked. That is my policy and I am sticking to it – at least for now! So tonight I will have them put their shoes out (forgot to last night) put in a little candy (er…the leprechaun did it) and enjoy the magic for a while longer!



So my first grader came off the bus the other day and started talking about Lady Gaga and how she emerged from her shell at the awards and described the clothes she was wearing. She also broke out into a song, “I want to be a billionaire”  REALLY? What is my baby learning at school? More likely what is she hearing on the bus? Our bus is only for grades K-2. Are these kids watching MTV? Maybe they have older siblings?  Are kids growing up way to fast nowadays? I would say yes!  My 4th grader knew all about Lady Gaga. Neither of my kids watch MTV but my husband does let them listen to the radio in his car.  I know I cannot shelter them forever and they will hear things at school and on the bus and at their friends’ houses and at sporting events, etc. etc. I guess I just need to keep the dialogue open, ask them questions and set the record straight on other “gossip” they hear!