It’s been a tough March and April as most families are hunkering down and staying at home due to the coronavirus. It is especially hard for parents that are working from home and having to make sure their younger kids are doing their school work and homework virtually. Both my girls are doing school work virtually and both my husband and are were already working from home. Trying to get family time in is tough as they are teenagers! Here are a few suggestions for activities if you have older kids and some of these we have done! I do like to get fresh air every once in a while with no one around so here are my top suggestions for social distancing activities.
- Exercise – take a stroll in your neighborhood, on a path (while social distancing of course) or check out YouTube for a fun barre class. Every day I am trying to do something active and trying to get my girls to join in!
- We try to do movie night as a family – we went back to some oldies the other night – Big, Clueless, Thelma and Louise – make popcorn and add some candies for a fun night.
- Game night – while I’d like to say we do this, we tried it once – but those with younger kids can certainly have a blast with many board games.
- Drive through fun – it was my birthday the other day and while you should stay at home, ordering out is one way to support local businesses. Amazingly we have only ordered out about 4 times during the months of March and April! Girls now would like to go to the drive through at Chick-fil-A. You all stay in the car and have a fun ride.
- Driving around your town – My husband can’t sit still and likes to get in his car and just drive around. No problem there as he is not seeing anyone. Once his friend made him some ribs and they left it in their mailbox for him to pick up. In fact if you are running out of dinner ideas do a meal swap with one close family that you know and know that you will like what they make.
- Finally, cleaning, organizing their spaces – My girls did this the first few days we were on the stay at home order. Every closet is organized and clothes have been donated. Our house is pretty clean for four people at home all the time!
Stay safe, enjoy the together time and we will get through this!
Our Stay at home faces Just us and our dog on a walk Me on my walks! We enjoy a good drive through ice cream! My social distancing birthday parade Or just be like my dog and relax at home