No that isn’t a punch line….It is April Fools Day today and I have nothing planned, yet. But it is no joke that I had a wonderful weekend. Easter was so much fun as we had both family and friends over and lots of treats. We even splurged on a carvel ice cream cake!
The kids and I were in a fashion show this weekend at Old Navy at the Middlesex Commons.  It was so much fun. We could see friends in the audience and my girls were dressed in fun, springy dresses. I loved my dress as well. The selection of spring/summer clothes at Old Navy is just great. From the colorful sandals, bright t’s and shorts to the flower dresses, they have something for everyone this season. I never walk in there without finding a little something. We spent way too much time shopping afterwards, but picked up some great finds including jeans, shiny boots for my 11 year old, a bathing suit and a denim dress for myself.
This event was set up by Middlesex Commons’ wonderful social media person Alana Brooks and we received a discount on purchases that day, a little goodie bag for the kids and flowers for participating. It was nice to see all the area bloggers with their children enjoying the walk down the runway.  Check out the photos and if you have not visited Middlesex Commons plaza in Burlington, GO! It has just about every store you will need to find a great wardrobe (and try the burger at Burton’s Grill if you get hungry after all that shopping) Check out their Facebook page!
Disclosure: Old Navy provided us a 15 % discount for participating in the fashion show and a small gift bag. All opinions are my own.