
Valentine’s Day is one week away!

I almost forgot. Valentine’s Day is a week away. How do you celebrate with your significant other? With the kids?  Today on WCAP we were discussing what makes a good gift….Know your mate for sure!

Listen in…..



@JasonWu. I got nothing!

While the men were prepping for the @SuperBowl many of the ladies were heading to @Target to see the @JasonWu line. I wish this was a fun post on what I thought of the fabrics and what neat items I picked up. I got nothing! From what I hear all items are sold out everywhere and the sizes run really big. My Target store opened at 8:00 am and when I arrived at 10:00 am all I saw was 2 size XL shirts and one really ugly scarf. That’s it, nothing else. When I asked up front about the selection they had no idea what I was talking about!  But the sales associate at the dressing room said people were lined up at 8:00 am outside. Really? In the suburbs of Boston? Well at least we got to preview the items and there are a couple items left online.


@JasonWu. I got nothing!

While the men were prepping for the @SuperBowl many of the ladies were heading to @Target to see the @JasonWu line. I wish this was a fun post on what I thought of the fabrics and what neat items I picked up. I got nothing! From what I hear all items are sold out everywhere and the sizes run really big. My Target store opened at 8:00 am and when I arrived at 10:00 am all I saw was 2 size XL shirts and one really ugly scarf. That’s it, nothing else. When I asked up front about the selection they had no idea what I was talking about!  But the sales associate at the dressing room said people were lined up at 8:00 am outside. Really? In the suburbs of Boston? Well at least we got to preview the items and there are a couple items left online.


Kids Hair Accessories @Forever21

Hair Accessories – my kids love them but they also lose them or break them…a lot! Headbands, clips, pony tail holders, etc. all here today and sometimes gone tomorrow. That is why I dread spending a lot of money on anything that goes in their hair.  On a recent gal’s night out with my 7 year old we took a trip to forever 21. She knew immediately that is was not a kids store when she went reaching for a few t-shirts but when we hit the accessories section she was in heaven and so was I.

Cute necklaces for under $4.00….. Hair clips and headbands for $1.50…I did not mind getting a few  for her and her sister. The store had the trendiest ones available – headbands with feathers in them. In fact anything with feathers is my 7 year old’s favorite.  These clips I might keep for myself!

@forever21 hair accessories