Well…not totally yet…..So after the whole baby shampoo incident – yes I am still talking about that! I went to my local networking luncheon and there was a great speaker who told us about this wonderful site https://www.safecosmetics.org
So for the last few weeks I’ve been talking to everyone I know and obsessing a bit about checking ALL of my beauty products (and you know me –  I have a ton of them!) It rates your products from 1-10; 10 being the worst in terms of having a lot of chemicals, etc. As long as you don’t have all your daily products a 10 you should be find but it is interesting to log on and see that your favorite product is a 9!  So onto my list for the things I have changed – deodorant, liquid hand soap, kids shampoo and many scented body lotions.
Hand soap – most all contain some sort of fragrance so they are a big offender. So I have tried Dr. Bronner’s Magic soap https://www.drbronner.com and Jason satin soap which is still listed as a 5 but has no Lauryl sulfates or paraben preservatives and you can find it at most Whole Foods.
Deodorant – still love Dove but have also been surprised by Almay Unscented and its effectiveness
Kids shampoo – now I try anything by Burt’s Bee https://www.burtsbees.com
Some Body lotions are still pretty heavy scented but a brand I have always loved is London’s Moulton Brown. I think many years ago I got hooked on this line at a NYC hotel. They tend to discontinue their items (still crying over ABC shower gel!) so don’t get too attached!  https://www.moltonbrown.co.uk/
2 replies on “Cosmetic Junkie turned organic”
Oh, this is the site you told me about! Gotta check it out (although I’m not as obsessed as you are – I should be…)
Oh, this is the site you told me about! Gotta check it out (although I’m not as obsessed as you are – I should be…)