In this day of social media it’s hard not to look at Facebook with everyone’s photos in Florida and be a bit sad not to be enjoying a vacation in a warmer climate. But as long as you keep your kids busy and plan out something each day during school vacation week, it can be a good time! OK, not as good as a Disney vacation, but still we had a good week. Included in this week’s activities were multiple trips to Starbucks, eating out and sleepovers. See the rest of the list below and try not to be jealous. Lol!
Monday – Enjoyed the Patriot’s Day Parade in Lexington (along with popcorn, slushies, Orange Leaf, etc.) Treats and a parade makes a good day!
Tuesday – ME – numerous conference calls and then a late afternoon trip to the beach! Beach pizza, arcade, prizes, DQ! At least it was sunny there.
Wednesday – Kids got to meet the New England Patriot Players and did a session with the Patriots Cheerleaders. Yes, that is my 9 year old at the top of the pyramid.
Thursday – Kids had friends over; tried to hold a lemonade stand but the money, cups and stand blew away; kids had friends sleepover. Friends can help with keeping kids from fighting with each other and it allows you time to work a bit!
Friday – lemonade stand makes $3.00 but a trip to visit to Tasty Burger in Boston is the ultimate reward. Mom on the other hand gets no burger and has to work 🙁
Weekend is filled with soccer and lacrosse games and it’s back to school!