I just haven’t had the heart to write anything about the Boston Marathon bombings. It took me a few days to process it all and I am still in shock.  Having grown up in Mass and marrying someone who grew up in Boston, this just hits too close to home. When I think about saying on Monday mid-morning, “how about we drive into Boston for the Marathon?” and my husband said no and my kids had other plans (like changing their rooms around!) I really tried to push the issue, but am glad I did not. We love to visit the city for every big occasion – We went in on New Years’ Day to view the ice sculptures, the parade a few years back for the Stanley Cup and World Series parade and especially on July 4th we love to walk around and view the festivities before the big crowds gather for the esplanade celebration. It is after all on July 4th on a rooftop building on the corner of Mass Ave. and Beacon that I met my husband 19 years ago. Ever since I can remember going to the marathon was a big event for families, then in college it was a fun event to meet up with friends and over the years we cheered on friends who actually completed the race! So many people running for a cause or in memory of someone. WHY did something like this happen in Boston? So many people have asked as a parent what do you say about it? Here is what most experts say is the best course of action if you have young kids.
- Make sure your kids hear the news from you.  I remember I did not tell my 8 year old about the CT shootings and the next day at the swim meet they said a moment of silence. She was so upset with me. My 11 year old heard from friends and then came to me. But keep the information big picture and do not go into the details.
- Tell your kids that they are safe and bad things like this are rare.Â
- Don’t watch the television news coverage in front of your kids. The images can be too disturbing.
- Let your kids know there are good people out there willing to help and talk about the heroes. Â So many people were running to the scene of the bombings to help.
My heart is breaking for all those who have been directly affected by this horrible act of violence. To help the people most effected, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino have announced the formation of The One Fund Boston, Inc. Log on for more information.  https://www.theonefundboston.org