
Eat Your Veggies! Party Planning with Veggies #cruditecreation

We just had our family birthday celebration as both my kids birthdays are in July, 5 days apart.  We usually have a low key barbeque but getting in something healthy is always a challenge.  I am so glad that crudite creations sent us a lovely arrangement to help celebrate!  When family members walked into the party they immediately noticed this colorful arrangement but did not realize it was vegetables!  Then everyone began to dig in – kids too.  All the veggies were so good and the dips they have taste great. We had humus and white bean dip. It really is a nice way to bring color (and a healthy serving of veggies) to your gathering and/or centerpiece for a get together.  I really liked the fact that it was delivered to your door. It is perfect for a hostess gift, shower or any special party. AND yes, it really it all veggies – those longer stems that look like a beautiful flower is actually celery. So elegant!

Disclosure: Crudite Creations sent us the arrangement and dips to try out (we are glad they did!) All opinions expressed in this blog post are my own.

Get your veggies and a nice display with #Cruditecreation
Get your veggies and a nice display with #Cruditecreation




Doggy/Family Event: This Sunday at Fenway #FuturesatFenway #RedSoxFamily @RedSox

For those of you with dogs it can be hard in the summertime to go to many different events as you don’t want to leave your fur baby at home. Well, here is a great event that is dog friendly! This Sunday, the Red Sox will host the 9th annual Futures at Fenway minor league game, followed by a showing of the movie “Field of Dreams.” Tickets are just $15 for this fun event and you can bring your dog too!!

The Red Sox is partnering with the MSPCA, who will be on site at the event with adoptable dogs and information on the MSPCA. For more information check out their website.







Fun Toys/Collectibles: Shopkins!

There is a new tiny collectible toy for girls and my girls love them!

They are launching exclusively at Walmart stores in Hartford and will be available nationwide by the end of the year. Called Shopkins – they are super tiny, grocery-themed collectibles from Moose Toys.

Shopkins are inspired by items from each aisle in the grocery store and housed in adorable shopping bags. There are 140 different characters to collect and trade and there are limited edition characters that feature special finishes and are grouped by different sections of the supermarket, from Sweet Treats to Frozen Food to Toiletries.

The company sent me a couple packages and the kids tore into them. They are for ages 4 and up but my girls (ages 9 and 12) thought they were adorable. We also had a 6 year old with us to test them out (she literally squealed when she saw the package).  Immediately they were discussing collecting, trading and playing. Prices are pretty good too. For the 5-pack it’s $4.99 and for the 12-pack it’s 9.99.

Girls will love adding cute fruits, sweets, dairy and more to their Shopkins™ collection with the 5-Pack! In the 5-pack it includes five characters and five shopping bags so girls will get a ‘taste’ of what it’s like to build a Shopkins world. The Shopkins™ 12-Pack features twelve characters, four shopping bags, one shopping basket and a collector’s guide. What a cute invention. It is sure to keep the little ones busy for a bit!

Disclosure: The company send me the packages to review. All opinions are my own.
